Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

3 Subjects

Module 1 Discussion Forum

Module 1 Discussion Forum

Q Prepare: As you get ready to write your discussion this week, take a few moments to do the following: • Review the six methods for evaluating the credibility of research sources starting on page 11 in Workplace Writing: A Handbook for Common Workplace Genres and Professional Writing (Links to an external site.). • Consider which of the six you use when making choices about source credibility for academic and/or business writing. Reflect: Take time to reflect on your regular process of researching. Be sure to think about the activities and quizzes you took part in using the e-book Workplace Writing, and other materials. Write: Discuss which of the six criteria (currency, authority, accuracy, purpose, relevance, variety) you find valuable when evaluating the credibility of research sources. • Be sure to use specific examples. You can also explore how you might apply these criteria in your everyday life. • How might these methods help you improve your own research? • If you did not learn anything new, please explain why. If you cite outside sources, please do so in APA format using the CSU Global Standards: CSU Global Writing Center. (Links to an external site.) Respond: Reply to at least two other students about the criteria they selected for determining the credibility of research sources. Suggest at least one other criteria that should be considered and explain the reason for your choice. Your initial response to these questions should be approximately 250 words. After you have posted your initial post to the prompt, post at least two substantive responses, a minimum of 100 words each, to other students' main postings, offering specific feedback about the ideas they posted. You must post your initial post before you can reply to other students. A substantive post will do at least ONE of the following: • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor • Provide extensive additional information on the topic • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail • Share an applicable personal experience • Provide an outside source (for example, a website) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (cite properly in APA) • Make an argument concerning the topic

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When it comes to researching sources, the most important aspect of detecting the credibility of the source is accuracy. Accuracy is more of a parameter than an attribute. Accuracy comprises of the relevant background research and the credibility that the author has when it comes to opining or writing research oriented works